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Since June 2020, all our services have been operating normally in compliance with current health standards

March 2020 Information

COVID-19 : SYCLOPE is still available

We are living in an unprecedented situation.
COVID-19 obliges us to take exceptional measures to protect everyone’s health, but we must also maintain a minimum level of activity in order to serve our clients and ensure the sustainability of our Company.


April 2020 Communiqué

Dear partners, dear customers,

We are living in an unprecedented situation.

COVID-19 obliges us to take exceptional measures to preserve everyone’s health, but we must also maintain a minimum level of activity in order to serve our customers and ensure the sustainability of our Company.

We have chosen to put in place a business continuity plan. The objective of this plan is to preserve the health of our employees, while maintaining economic activity with our partners, customers and suppliers.
We have adapted our production unit so that our teams can work in complete safety…, so we will be able to honour your orders.

Minimum services have been put in place :


Mr Thierry Izac will be your privileged contact:

A permanence is assured, you can reach your sales technician.

Your orders are recorded and dispatched subject to transport availability.

Please note that you must specify whether your company is open or closed.
Contact us : +33 5 59 33 70 36
or by mail :

A minimum service is assured, we ask you to give priority to shipments by carrier.

The other departments work in teleworking in order to ensure the continuity of our various services.

We have only one wish, to limit the economic and social impact of this unprecedented health crisis, and to prepare for the post-crisis period.

Take good care of yourself.

Georges BRETON – President

Arnaud DANTIN – Sales Manager France/GC/Export

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