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ODITouch: new features in 2022!

The ODITouch, specially created and developed for the management of water treatment in public and commercial swimming pools, now integrates new functionalities that will facilitate the use of the equipment for operators and installers.

More information about ODITouch

A quick reminder of the ODITouch range

Single-pool automatic analysis, control and dosing:

  • The ODITouch allows you to control and manage several different parameters of a single pool,
  • Different configurations are possible:
    – pH, free chlorine
    – Temperature, pH, free chlorine
    – Temperature, pH, redox, free chlorine
    – Temperature, pH, free chlorine & total chlorine
    – Temperature, pH, redox, free chlorine & total chlorine
  • The device is very simple and easy to use thanks to its touch screen which gives a global overview of the water parameters, alarms…
  • Moreover, it calculates the chloramines in the water and gives a clear indication of the rate,
  • To facilitate its installation, the ODITouch is available on a pre-mounted and pre-wired panel,
  • Finally, it is equipped with standard communication for remote monitoring.
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Régulateur ODITouch pour le contrôle de la qualité de l'eau des piscines publiques mono-bassin

The new features of ODITouch

The ODITouch range has been improved to bring more comfort and security to users.

1) An internal calendar

For the management and programming of maintenance dates (e.g.: replacement of the pH sensor or change of the chlorine probe membrane…) performed, to be planned or to be carried out.

2) A Remote technical assistance

Thanks to the new functionalities of the ODITouch, our technical service can take control of the device remotely and thus help the installer in the use of the equipment.

3) Water quality control but not only…

By using the unassigned relay outputs of the ODITouch, it is possible to use the device as a mini-GTC and thus control the pool light, the cleaning robot, the outdoor lighting…

Reminder of the SYCLOPE SWIMMING POOLS range

For more than 30 years SYCLOPE has been developing and manufacturing analysis and regulation devices for water treatment. Its range dedicated to swimming pools enables to meet the different expectations of operators and users. A diverse and complete range for everyone’s needs.

Public and Olympic pools and aquatic centers

Commercial swimming pools: hotels, campsites, spas...


Multi-parameters and Several pools


Multi-parameter and single pool


Up to 3 controlled parameters for single pool


One parameter and One pool

We are here to support you …

Do you have any questions? Need a diagnosis, recommendations? Need a documentation, an estimate ? The SYCLOPE team is at your disposal …

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