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1st award for SYCLOPE and its new trichloramine equipment


The new equipment for measuring trichloramine in the air receives the 1st prize of Piscine de Demain meeting, in December 2018.

For its first participation in the 20th Piscine de Demain meeting in Issy-Les-Moulineaux, SYCLOPE received the 1st Prize for its new device for measuring trichloramine in the air.

détection de la trichloramine dans l'air

This conference aims to connect the various actors working in the Public Pool market.

This new device makes it possible to obtain a clear and precise measurement, in mg / m3, of the level of trichloramine in the air. Thanks to this equipment it is possible to quickly determine risk areas and implement actions and corrections for the well-being of bathers and collaborators.

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