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Billère France swimming pool and its chlorine generator

Public Swimming pool of Billère (64)


1st swimming pool in Nouvelle Aquitaine (France) equipped with a chlorine generator in site

The Billère Pool was the first pool in New Aquitaine to be equipped with a chlorine generator or more commonly called salt chlorinator for the production of chlorine on site.

In order to better protect its employees when handling chlorine for water treatment, Billère’s Pool has been looking for new equipment to replace its chlorine tanks and avoid any handling of dangerous chemicals.

The salt electrolyser or in situ sodium hypochlorite generator transforms the salt contained in a brine into chlorine by the physical phenomenon of electrolysis. This makes it possible to disinfect swimming pools with chlorine in a way that is as qualitative as ever and with the following advantages:

  • No deliveries and handling of dangerous products,
  • The generation of chlorine is done on site (storage in a buffer tank),
  • The chlorine stored in the technical rooms is replaced by simple bags of salt pellets,
  • 3 kg of salt is needed to produce 1 kg of 100% active chlorine which allows to obtain a real financial advantage (salt is much cheaper to buy than the main chlorinated compounds on the market).

Many assets

The City of Billère has decided to work with SYCLOPE Electronics because the chlorine generator offers, in addition to the security aspect, various operating advantages:

  • Equipment easier to handle and maintain
  • Electrolyser equipped with a suction of hydrogen (H2) by ventilation as well as an H2 detector in the air for safety
  • Device to reduce operating and maintenance constraints and thus reduce maintenance and investment costs compared to membrane technologies
  • Less clogging at the injection site (use of softened water)
  • Less product used during pH correction (the pH of the solution produced being between 8.5 and 9.5, this reduces the use of pH-)
  • Installed turnkey installation (skid mounted) thus facilitating commissioning and operation

For a year now the Billère Pool uses the chlorine generator in-situ and is very satisfied with its operation, efficiency and effectiveness.

[vc_btn title=”Some information from the Swimming Pool Director” style=”3d” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”url:%2Fgenerateur-de-chlore-in-situ%2F||target:%20_blank|”]
[vc_btn title=”Press article – La République des Pyrénées” style=”3d” color=”primary” align=”center” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]
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