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Drinking water production unit for aircraft

Drinking water production for aircraft

SYCLOPE Electronique, specialist in analysis and regulation for water treatment, has developed a new autonomous unit for drinking water production for the consumption of water on aircraft.

What does this system allow?

Production of in-situ chlorine for the potabilization of water

This system makes it possible to regulate the water continuously in order to guarantee an optimal quality of water respecting the standards. Equipped with a chlorine generation unit, the production of chlorine is done on site. Potabilized water is thus permanently available and then used on board aircraft for the consumption of passengers.

This unit offers a complete solution for continuous in-situ chlorine production and water regulation. The generation of chlorine is carried out by salt electrolysis.
Users do not have to handle or store hazardous chemicals used for water disinfection.
Each system is developed and sized according to the needs of each site.

The SYCLOPE team is available for any request for information or recommendations.


Gérard Marque, Technical / Security Manager of Pau-Pyrénées (64) airport

We provide daily water for the consumption of passengers on board aircraft.Unité de potabilisation aéroport de pau

This water must be free of pathogenic micro-organisms and any foreign matter that may be harmful to health. As such we have the responsibility to put in place the appropriate measures to provide clean water for human consumption.
These measures concern the maintenance of aircraft water supply equipment, disinfection and good practices in terms of equipment use.
For this, we also perform water analyzes and must, among other things, ensure that the chlorine level is between 0.3 and 1.1mg / l.

In order to guarantee these results (not achieved in previous analyzes), we asked the company Syclope électronique to develop a complete drinking water production system to guarantee a chlorine level in full compliance with the requirements of Airlines companies. The equipment provided is an automatic chlorination unit using salt pellets for the production of chlorine. There is no longer any manipulation or storage of chemicals. Water quality is optimized and the use of secure equipment.

Gérard MARQUETechnical/Security Manager - Pau-Pyrenees Airport

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