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Municipal pool, we keep an eye on you!

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[vc_empty_space][mpc_callout title_font_color=”#1f7fe0″ title_font_size=”35″ title_font_line_height=”1.5″ title_font_transform=”uppercase” title=”Complete and intuitive management of water quality in municipal pool” content_width=”100″ icon_disable=”true” mpc_button__disable=”true” mpc_divider__disable=”true”]Complete and intuitive management of the water quality of municipal poolsThe new range of ALTICE’O controllers allows to control all the water parameters of public pools on one or several pools.

This equipment offers a wide range of measured parameters:
Temperature, pH, redox (ORP), active chlorine – free – total – combined, free bromine – BCDMH – DBDMH – sea water, ozone, chlorine stabilizer (cyanuric acid), PHMB, turbidity, conductivity, salinity, flow sensor, flowmetry…

In addition to its high-performance technical features, this controller has a large colour touch screen. Information on the water quality of the pond(s) can be viewed at a glance.
In addition, the devices are equipped with a Bluetooth application as standard for programming, alarm notifications and direct access to
It can manage energy consumption by working on chloramines, water supply, chemical consumption, water quality control.[/mpc_callout][vc_empty_space]

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